
Phillip Rudolph III,  a native of Youngstown, Ohio, has been enthralled with the arts since the age of 8. A graduate of Butler Institute of Fine Arts (1968)  his earlier works include oils, pastels & charcoal, His current mediums of choice are India ink and Watercolours.

He is the first Black artist to exhibit his works onboard AMTRAK through “Art-On-The-Move”. His work hangs in private collections throughout the United States. His works have also been on exhibit at the Waldorf Astoria, NY,  Fordham University Law Annex, Queens Botanical  Gardens, Houston TX, Orlando, FLA, Union Station, Washington DC, 30th St. Station, Philadelphia, PA, Penn Station, NY,  the Holland Cultural Center, Beacon, NY. & Mystic Connecticut (Art Festival) and a joint Exhibit at Vineyard Commons Highland, NY. His work has been commissioned and published by Clinical Update  Medical Journal.

An eclectic  range of life experiences  including drafting & design as well as his naval career inspire his works.